Indigenous peoples of Ethiopia

    A travel to the valley of the river Omo where the tribes Hamer, Konso, Dassanech, Mursi and Karo live a life isolated of modern civilization. Now begins the editing of a short documentary about their rituals and ways of life.

With lions in Tanzania

Strating from the Kilimanjaro we drove with our Jeep to the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro crater. From seeing elephants to endless hordes of zebras and finally being encircled by lions, we returned with a dusty camera.

Filming in Indonesia

    I went with the organisation ebaix on behalf of the Red Cross and Caritas to the remote villages of Java and Sumatra. I was operating the camera for interviews with beneficiaries that received help after the heavy earthquakes.

Research in the Netherlands

With bags full of film equipment I travelled to Amsterdam and The Hague for Interviews and researches. I accompanied the director of a documentary produced by Mira Film

Bosnia and Herzegovina at the editing table

For the shortfilm "The Good Beneficiary" about the selection of beneficiarys in the region of Srebrenica, I have taken over the last part of postproduction. The film is produced by ebaix.

Interdans 2013 | compilation

       A look back at INTERDANS, the international dance festival in Belgium. I produced several videos in collaboration with Myrien Barth.
You can watch the Teaser at ➜ Commissions | Collaborations

A land of sweeping plains and misted mountains

Back from filming in Kosovo, a most beautiful country. I joined the organisation ebaix in their evaluation, and visited the homes of beneficiaries of house-building-programmes of humanitarian organisations like the Swiss Red Cross and Caritas. Thirteen years after the war I found an interesting country with a lot of new houses and gentle and openhearted inhabitants. Now the postproduction for two short films begins.

Preparations for Kosovo

Together with the organisation ebaix, I will go for two weeks to the rural areas of kosovo. I will film their evaluations for Caritas, the Red Cross and Solidar. My Suitcase is full of cameraequipment, a tripod and anticipation for the film shooting.

Die stille Weide | Silent Willow

The shortfilm "Die stille Weide", which was filmed in mai 2013, is now in postproduction. More infos and a trailer will come soon.

INTERDANS Impressions

After two weeks in Belgium we are back with memories and filmmaterial from the dancefestival INTERDANS. You can find the teaser for the festival online on my subsite 
➜ Commissions | Collaborations. Now I am editing together with Myrien Barth and soon there will be more to see! 

ELEFANTEN Trailer online

The one minute long trailer to my graduation film is now online. Enjoy! 

It all starts with his shoe getting stuck on something rather small. That's where he notices them. He's been walking around on them for his entire life, but he'd never noticed them before. Questions pop up, and the young man begins to have doubts. ➜ more infos

Roadtrip with a camera

On our way trough the most beautiful areas of the USA. With a Jeep and a camera crane, we follow the bicycle racer Nik Zeindler and document his long way. You will find more information and a trailer for the 60-minutes film ➜ here.

Preparations for America

With a lot of baggage I will travel to the USA to the hardest bicycle race in the world. The drivers cross North America in 12 days, from the West to the East Coast. Together with Daniel Jeseneg and the director Timon Rupp I accompany the racer and 51-year old familiy father Nik Zeindler. ➜ more infos